Apricot Lane Gets a Custom Business Sign With a Faux Green Wall

In a Nutshell

  • Results:
      • Highlighted the business signage
      • Created a focal point in the store
      • Included greenery that breaks up the space

    Before Our Collaboration 

    decorating Apricot Lane Boutique with Artificial green panels

    Apricot Lane Boutique is a chain of women’s fashion boutiques established in 1991. Women across the US tie Apricot Lane to a unique and curated selection of trendy clothing, accessories, and gifts. 

    As a franchise, Apricot Lane offers personalized shopping experiences that reflect the local community’s preferences, as they’re owned and operated individually. 

    One Apricot Lane store was looking to distinguish itself from the competition and effectively convey the playful energy the brand is known for. For this franchiser, the standardized store interior wasn’t enough. They specifically wanted to emphasize the business signage in a way that doesn’t use simple lighting and shadows. 

    This would shape up to be an exciting and unconventional feat. 

    The Problem 

    Commercial spaces can benefit from including green decor on their premises. Studies have concluded that the atmosphere of a store can affect customer perceptions to the point of influencing their shopping behaviors. 

    Nowadays, it’s also evident that having plants in the store increases the perceived service quality and customer satisfaction. This notion was the cornerstone of the decision our client settled on. 

    The client went in with an idea to renovate the store and include decor that captures attention and contributes to a calming environment. 

    During the Process

    To do what they’d set out to, the client researched ways to achieve the desired result without encroaching on their daily tasks and busy schedules. They asked around, looked for information online, and landed on the Designer Plants website. 

    They browsed a few of our artificial green walls and talked it through. 

    The team agreed to include artificial foliage panels on the wall housing the business sign, but they needed help deciding which model to choose. They wanted it to grab attention, but not take away from the name of the business or overshadow it. They also didn’t want it to be lackluster so that customers walk right past it without so much as a glance. 

    This is when the franchiser called our team and asked for a recommendation. Since they wanted a custom business sign enveloped in a greenery wall, we thought it best to choose a panel that’s elegant in its understatement. This meant no artificial flowers, no trailing vines, and no other colors. After a short search, we suggested the Lush Fern Artificial Green Wall

    The client liked the idea, so it was time for us to get to work. 

    The Solution 

    The client gave us the measurements for the space around their signage and calculated the number of panels needed. 

    This is easy to do yourself - go to the product page for the panel you’re interested in, scroll down a bit, and look to the right of the product photo. 

    You’ll see this calculator:

    Follow the directions and ensure you verify the calculations yourself. The calculator is most useful as a guide, not the end-all-be-all. 

    Since Apricot Lane wanted the greenery wall to swerve around the sign, we may consider this an ‘odd-sized area’ because the panels may need cutting to accommodate the light. Luckily, the team didn’t need to fiddle with these panels too much as they fit into the space around the business sign. 

    But the artificial foliage panels weren’t the only things the team added. Instead, they also installed an overhanging lamp that shines a direct light on the store’s name. The panels wrap around the lamp but no gaps are visible due to the lush foliage. 

    In the end, the artificial green wall needs some gentle fluffing so that it’s not flat but dense and bushy. 

    And before you know it, the job was done. 

    After It’s Done

    faux lush fern panels in Apricot Lane Boutique

    The Apricot Lane team liked the new addition and mentioned that it was a few levels above what they had. The combination of the artificial fern foliage and the dim light shining on the sign made for a wonderful visual and drew attention to the brand. 

    And since this faux green wall is inside, its ‘life’ expectancy can go up to 15 years.

    We’d love to see other stores and boutiques adopt a more unconventional decorating idea and incorporate faux green walls into their decor. If low maintenance is the most important aspect of decor for your business, don’t overlook artificial vertical gardens. 

    If you want a bespoke quote or just want to chat with our team about whether fauxliege can work for you, send us an email or call us and we’ll be sure to help you out. 

    Case studies